Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 12, 2011

5 question for book 3

1) Why Mig dream to be a princess?
Answer: Because she want to wear a crown with servant around her and ride on a beautiful horse.
2) Why Mig is fat?
Answer: Because in her life she never eat so much food so she kept eating and eating.
3) Why Mig didn't wave back at the princess when she pass her?
Answer: Because she was so shock.
4) What cause Mig can't hear?
Answer: The good clout to the ear.
5) Does Mig hate the princess?
Answer: No, she is not.

Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 11, 2011

Reading Buddy

Another reading buddies in ISSP, this time the little kids has improve a lot. My buddy has made a big improvement. She has listened to what I said also she starts to understand the picture in the book. Still there is also thing that they need to improve much more.

Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 10, 2011

When is a good time to break the rules?

When will it be the best time to break the rules? When your parent feels happy or normal, no one is watching you or an emergency? If your parent are very happy because your sister know how to spell, at that time you running around when they saw you break the rule that makes your parent very sad so let get on. No one watching is the time that children break the rule a lot like eating food in class, talking while teacher is teaching, kissing or hugging, but don’t go with that way because it will make you become a bad person. What about emergency, for example there is a tsunami almost get to your house is it the best time to running in the house for your life? Yes because that does not make people sad it even makes people happy because you survive the tsunami.

Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 9, 2011

Amazing Field Trip To ISSP

A wonderful day, we are going to ISSP to read book for the little children. I got pair with a very cute girl name Ann. I know how the children feel shy when they are look at a big stranger, for me to keep this little child feel OK is to smile at them ask and talk with them. We go to ISSP for 25 minute then return to learn. Well it is not the best day I ever have but with the little children I feel very good

Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 8, 2011

Welcome To My Blog

Hello everyone
This is my LA blog
This where you can see things about me

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